Accomodation at the Gablonzer Hütte

There are over 34 beds waiting for you at the Gablonzer Hütte: two 2-bed, two 3-bed, three 4-bed and two 6-bed rooms.
We also have 42 additional dormitories: a 12, a 14 and a 16 bed dormitory.

We allocate the beds with breakfast - dinner is available a lá carte.

Prices & Fees

Shower and heating fees are included in the prices. Alpine Club members and equals pay a reduced overnight rate. Children up to the age of 2 stay for free. 

2-Bed Room AV* NM*


€ 49,00
€ 61,00

18 - 27 years

€ 49,00
€ 61,00

15 - 17 years

€ 36,00
€ 48,00

12 - 14 years

€ 33,00
€ 45,00

6 - 11 years

€ 28,00
€ 40,00

3 - 5 years

€ 21,00
€ 33,00
Shared Rooms AV* NM*


€ 41,00
€ 53,00

18 - 27 years

€ 41,00
€ 53,00

15 - 17 years

€ 30,00
€ 42,00

12 - 14 years

€ 27,00
€ 39,00

6 - 11 years

€ 22,00
€ 34,00

3 - 5 years

€ 18,00
€ 30,00
dormitories AV* NM*


€ 33,00
€ 45,00

18 - 27 years

€ 30,00
€ 42,00

15 - 17 years

€ 25,50
€ 37,50

12 - 14 years

€ 22,50
€ 34,50

6 - 11 years

€ 17,50
€ 29,50

3 - 5 years

€ 11,00
€ 23,00

*AV = Alpenverein / NM = Nichtmitglieder

*Preise gültig ab 04.05.2024

* Alle angegebenen Preise sind inklusive Frühstück und Kurtaxe

room beds AV AV & FS AV & HP NM NM & FS NM & HP


€ 20,00
€ 35,00
€ 53,00
€ 32,00
€ 47,00
€ 65,00

19 - 25 years

€ 20,00
€ 35,00
€ 53,00
€ 32,00
€ 47,00
€ 65,00

7 - 18 years

€ 10,00
€ 20,00
€ 34,00
€ 22,00
€ 32,00
€ 46,00

3 - 6 years

€ 6,50
€ 13,50
€ 23,50
€ 18,50
€ 25,50
€ 35,50

AV = Alpine Club / NM = Non-Members / FS = Breakfast / HP = Half-Board

Camp AV AV & FS AV & HP NM NM & FS NM & HP


€ 13,00
€ 28,00
€ 46,00
€ 25,00
€ 40,00
€ 58,00

19 - 25 years

€ 10,00
€ 25,00
€ 43,00
€ 22,00
€ 37,00
€ 55,00

7 - 18 years

€ 6,50
€ 16,50
€ 30,50
€ 18,50
€ 28,50
€ 42,50

3 - 6 years

€ 0,00
€ 7,00
€ 17,00
€ 12,00
€ 19,00
€ 29,00

AV = Alpine Club / NM = Non-Members / FS = Breakfast / HP = Half-Board

important Informations